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Skating is based on the combination of only eight basic edges.

Anything you do on the ice you should always bring back to a basic edge.

Therefore it is very important

- to learn these edges correctly

- to be able to always have the control of your edge in a checked position.

When combining these eight basic edges you will make steps and turns.

There are eight possible combinations.

Some of these steps and turns are on one foot or with a change of foot, in the same direction (without a turn) or with a change of direction (= a turn) and on a same circle or with a change of circle.


- Left Forwards Outside

- Right Forwards Outside

- Left Forwards Inside

- Right Forwards Inside

- Left Backwards Outside

- Right Backwards Outside

- Left Backwards Inside

- Right Backwards Inside


Exactly as you have eight Basic Edges, most steps and turns exist in groups of each eight possibilities of execution, you will skate them Forwards and Backwards, Outside and Inside, Left and Right.

This doesn't apply for Cross-Overs and Chassé-type steps (four possibilities), or for Cross-Rolls (two possibilities)

- On one foot, same circle, same direction

     > Loop

- On one foot, same circle, change of direction

     > 3-Turn and double 3-Turn

     > Bracket

     > Twizzle

- On one foot, change of circle, same direction

     > Change of Edge

- On one foot, change of circle, change of direction

     > Rocker

     > Counter

- Same direction, same circle, change of foot

     > Cross-Over and Progressive Run

     > Basic Chassé

     > Cross Chassé

     > Slip Chassé (or Slip Step)

- Same direction, change of circle, change of foot

     > Cross-Roll

- Same circle, change of direction, change of foot

     > Open Mohawk

     > Closed Mohawk

- Change of circle, change of direction, change of foot

     > Open Choctaw

     > Closed Choctaw

© 2020 Skate Academy Online - Sylvia Verschraege

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